
Bevey Talks #HealthIT

CMS Issues Final Rule on Prior Authorizations. Here’s What It Means for You

The Rule, Which Doesn’t Apply to Commercial Insurers, Sets Time Limits on Responses and Enforces Access API’s To combat growing criticism of prior authorization delays by payers, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently finalized a rule requiring health plans to send prior authorization decisions within three calendar days for urgent requests and seven calendar […]

Unveiling the Challenges of Interoperability in Healthcare: Survey Insights

Communication in healthcare can be a real puzzle, with different organizations using various methods based on their needs and budget. It’s a constant battle to stay ahead of the communication curve to provide excellent care. That’s why we conducted the Healthcare Industry Survey on Interoperability. We wanted to dive deep into how healthcare organizations communicate, […]

Consensus Conductor Can Do… What? Yep, Integrate All Your Communication Workflows in One Place

You don’t need to keep using a zillion data exchange tools If your healthcare organization is anything like the thousands that we’ve worked with over the years, your staff hasn’t been able to optimize or centralize their communication processes. That’s because the providers, payers, and other organizations that your hospital needs to exchange data with […]

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