What is the Cloud?

From storing our photos and documents to powering the most sophisticated applications and services, the cloud has become an integral part of our digital lives. But what exactly is the cloud, and how does it work?

Here, we will attempt to demystify the cloud, unravel its intricate layers, and explore its profound impact on how we live, work, and connect in the digital age. Whether you’re a digital enthusiast or simply curious about the technology that underpins our modern world, delve into the world of cloud computing with Consensus Cloud Solutions.

Definition of the Cloud

The cloud, in the context of technology and computing, refers to a network of remote servers that store and manage data and applications over the Internet. Instead of storing data on locally held physical servers, the cloud allows people and organizations to store information and applications on virtual machines, effectively participating in serverless computing.

These virtual servers are typically owned and maintained by third-party cloud providers. The term “cloud” is derived from the cloud-shaped symbols often used to represent the internet in network diagrams.

In essence, cloud servers enable individuals and organizations to access and utilize computing resources, storage, and software on demand. This eliminates the need to make significant upfront investments in hardware or complex infrastructure management. The cloud offers a scalable and flexible solution where users can pay for only the resources they use, making it cost-effective for businesses of all sizes.

Key Components of the Cloud

What is the cloud technology necessary for the cloud to exist? Essentially, we can break the cloud down into three main components: the front end, the back end, and the network.

The front end refers to the client-facing portion of the cloud, which allows the client to access cloud resources. The front end consists of the interface or application the client uses to access the cloud, such as the client’s web browser of choice.

The back end is much more complex and includes various parts:

  • Application: An application is the cloud-based software the client accesses from the front end.
  • Service: What is the cloud computing system doing behind the scenes? The service is any task the system handles to manage the resources the client can access, which can include cloud storage, web applications, and application development environments.
  • Runtime: The runtime layer refers to the period during which an application, software program, or service actively runs and executes inside the cloud infrastructure. This includes the application’s entire lifecycle from initiation to completion. Runtime comprises several processes, such as data processing, user interactions, and code execution.
  • Storage: What is cloud storage for? Within the cloud environment, the storage component stores the data necessary to run applications.
  • Infrastructure: The cloud infrastructure includes all of the hardware components that allow the cloud environment to exist. It includes network devices, the central processing unit (CPU), the graphics processing unit (GPU), servers, storage, and various other necessary hardware components. The infrastructure also includes the virtualization software required to power the cloud.
  • Management: Management software (also called “middleware”) coordinates the communication between the front end and the back end, managing resources in real time and allocating them for specific user tasks and requirements. This software also monitors cloud usage, integrates data, and manages cloud application deployment and disaster recovery.
  • Security: Protecting data is essential, especially as an increasing number of organizations turn to cloud computing. The security layer of the cloud refers to the security measures built in to protect data, applications, hardware, and platforms. We will delve deeper into cloud security further down the page.
The network is the bridge between the front end and the back end that enables the client to access the cloud. That bridge is a network connection, which is generally the Internet itself. The Internet connection allows the front end and the back end to interact and communicate with each other.

Types of Cloud Services

Cloud services typically fall into one of three main categories.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

This model provides clients with remote access to virtualized computing resources on demand, such as servers, storage, and networking. Users can deploy and manage their own operating systems and applications using IaaS resources.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS offerings provide a platform and environment where developers can build, deploy, manage, test, and release applications without needing to provide their own underlying infrastructure. This simplifies the development process by providing development tools and frameworks.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS delivers fully functional software applications over the internet. Users can typically access this software through web browsers. Using SaaS applications eliminates the client’s need to install or maintain applications within their own infrastructure.

Cloud Deployment Models

There are three main cloud deployment models: public, private, and hybrid.

Public Cloud

What is the public cloud? Public cloud services use physical infrastructure and resources that third-party cloud service providers own, operate, and maintain. Using public cloud architecture allows the client access to a variety of resources without making an investment in hardware or software of their own.

The general public can access this type of cloud model via the internet for a cost. In a public cloud, multiple customers share the computing resources, such as servers and storage. This multi-tenancy model provides high scalability, allowing users to provision resources on demand and pay only for what they use. However, this model may raise security and compliance concerns.

Private Cloud

What is the private cloud? A single organization owns and operates a private cloud, whether on-premises or through a third-party provider. Private clouds offer more control and customization than public clouds.

A private cloud environment allows dedicated resources for use within the organization. This ensures greater security, compliance, and performance predictability. Industries with stringent data privacy and security requirements, such as finance, healthcare, and government, often use private clouds.

Because the organization must manage and operate its own private cloud, this architecture often requires some technological expertise and can be significantly more expensive.

Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud architecture combines elements of both public and private clouds. It allows users to share data and applications while retaining some level of separation between the public and private portions.

Hybrid clouds provide flexibility to move workloads between public and private environments based on factors like cost, performance, and security. A hybrid cloud can be useful for maintaining sensitive data on a private cloud while also leveraging the scalability of public cloud resources for less sensitive applications.

Because the organization must manage and operate its own private cloud, this architecture often requires some technological expertise and can be significantly more expensive.

Community Cloud

A newer and thus far less common type of cloud architecture is the community cloud. This is a cloud environment in which several organizations from a particular community, which share common operational and regulatory requirements, also share resources and services. A community cloud may be managed and hosted internally or by an external third party.

The community cloud model spreads the costs over fewer users than a public cloud, but because it also limits the number of users to those within the community, it offers more security than a public cloud.

Importance of Cloud Security

Cloud security is a set of principles, technologies, and other security measures that control and protect the cloud environment by addressing both internal and external security threats. More and more individuals and organizations every day turn to cloud adoption, which means it is essential to keep your data safe, both from accidental leaks and more nefarious threats.

As the digital landscape continues to develop, security threats continually grow more advanced. It is critical to effect stringent security countermeasures to protect your organization’s cloud from sophisticated cyber-attacks. No matter the size of your organization, cloud security must be a topic of discussion and a top priority.

Best Practices for Cloud Security

To ensure the users and devices connecting to your cloud environment are as secure as possible, here are a series of best practices for cloud security.

Honorable Mention: Ensure you meet pertinent compliance requirements.

This isn’t so much a best practice as it is an absolute must. There are strict regulations regarding customer privacy and data security, especially within certain industries, such as healthcare, financial services, and retail. It is crucial to review your organization’s specific compliance requirements within your industry and your locale. Breaching these requirements can lead to financial or even criminal penalties.

  1. Encrypt your data, whether at rest or in transit. Organizations should encrypt all data, whether it is at rest within a public cloud storage environment or in transit, which is when it becomes most vulnerable to interception.
  2. Know who is responsible for which cloud security components.
    • Understand the shared responsibility model. When it comes to cloud security, some security responsibilities fall upon the user, while the cloud vendor shoulders some of the weight. Who handles which responsibilities depends on the type of cloud service in question: IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS.
    • Learn about your cloud provider’s security measures in detail. It is important to have an in-depth understanding of the security measures your specific cloud vendor has in place. Some providers make this information available on their websites. If not, when you reach out to the provider, be sure to ask questions, such as:
      • Do they have a disaster recovery plan in place?
      • Do they encrypt data at rest and in transit?
      • What authentication methods do they use?
      • Where are their servers located?
  3. Conduct audits, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment and remediation. Regular testing and auditing are paramount when using a cloud service. Ensure your organization conducts the following on a regular basis both during cloud migration and going forward:
    • Penetration tests to determine any present or potential vulnerabilities in your cloud security
    • Security audits to ascertain that anyone who accesses the cloud service follows security protocols
    • Access log audits to ensure that only authorized users can access cloud applications and sensitive data
    • Real-time vulnerability scanning and remediation to protect the cloud against malware attacks
  4. Create and deploy cloud security policies. Implement cloud security policies across your organization. These should specify what data users should store in the cloud, who should use cloud services, and how they can use them. Your policies should be official, enforceable, and in writing.
  5. Train your team. To ensure that cybersecurity is paramount for all cloud users, implement a comprehensive, ongoing user security training program. Users should be able to identify cybersecurity threats, recognize social engineering attacks, incorporate safety measures into everyday work, and so on.
  6. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and identity and access management (IAM) controls. Prevent unauthorized access by following the principle of least privilege, which allows required users to access only the cloud resources and data they need. Another guiding principle should be that of zero trust, which approaches all access requests with caution.
  7. Develop an incident response plan. An incident response plan details the organization’s procedures an organization will follow in the event of a cybersecurity incident or cloud breach. Having an incident response plan allows your organization to be prepared to remediate incidents efficiently, recover lost data, and prevent operational disruptions.
  8. Employ intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS). IDPS technology monitors and analyzes network traffic for suspicious behavior and policy violations. It then responds accordingly. These are among the most effective security measures currently available. IDPS is both a preventative service as well as a tool to catch potential security breaches in real time.
  9. Consider using a comprehensive cloud security tool. Cloud-access security brokers (CASBs) are security policy enforcement points that stand between cloud service users and cloud companies. Whether a CASB is on-site or cloud-based, its purpose is to combine and interject security policies on an ongoing basis as users access cloud resources. Some of the security policies CASBs can enforce include single sign-on (SSO), authentication, encryption, malware detection and prevention, tokenization, and more.
  10. Manage and monitor security logs. Enabling your cloud infrastructure’s logging capabilities will allow you to identify and remediate any unusual activity or access. Ensure you also enable notifications within your logging management platform.
  11. Monitor for cloud misconfigurations. Logging and monitoring for misconfigurations in your cloud service architecture can significantly reduce your cloud’s security vulnerability. There are several kinds of tools that can help, including:
    • Cloud security posture management (CSPM) solutions
    • Cloud workload protection platforms (CWPPs)
    • Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions
    • Cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs)

Cloud Adoption in Businesses

Cloud adoption is the process of a company implementing the use of a cloud service. Whether the company hosts the cloud infrastructure on-site or uses an external third-party cloud provider, cloud computing services can provide a secure, cost-effective way to conduct business.

Advantages of Cloud Adoption

Organizations can enjoy the many benefits of cloud computing, some of which include:

  • Flexibility: You can readily distribute workloads across the organization, even if your team is spread out around the globe.
  • Scalability: Cloud implementation allows you to scale resources up or down depending on your business needs.
  • Cost savings: Using the cloud means avoiding expensive infrastructure investments.
  • Security: Eliminate the inherent risk of using fallible individual endpoint devices as data storage.
  • Collaboration: Cloud adoption provides improved resource sharing with a centralized knowledge repository.
  • Automatic maintenance: Third-party cloud providers automatically update cloud-based software.
  • Sustainability: Cloud hosting is more environmentally friendly and creates a smaller carbon footprint.

Considerations for Migrating to the Cloud

When planning a cloud migration, keep the following in mind:

  • Infrastructure hosting and management: What type of cloud service should you use? Should you host your cloud infrastructure on the premises or use a third-party cloud vendor? Would your current infrastructure meet your cloud computing needs, or does the provider you are considering offer an infrastructure stack that will require minimal application code changes? Will you need additional storage? What is the best cloud storage solution for your organization?
  • Cloud workload: Which applications will you migrate to the cloud? Under the provider’s parameters, will you achieve the same performance, capacity, and security with each application? Have you factored future growth into the decision? Is high availability built into the cloud application environment?
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery: Can you maintain business continuity through the cloud migration process? Do you have a contingency plan in place for migration difficulties? Will you be able to maintain functionality through the transfer with minimal downtime?
  • Personalized treatment plans: Interoperability facilitates sharing rich patient data, and AI can analyze this data to recommend highly personalized treatment plans. By considering everything from a patient’s medical history to their genetic makeup, AI can suggest the most effective treatments for that individual, improving the efficacy of healthcare delivery.
  • Cloud compliance and security: Will your customers’ data be properly secured? Will all data, both at rest and in transit, be encrypted? What level of control will you have over security features and their configuration? Are you prepared to be vigilant in demanding and verifying regulatory compliance?

Successful Cloud Implementation

Although migrating from server to cloud can be complex, undertaking the task with discipline and forethought can allow you to conduct a successful cloud implementation. By following these steps, your cloud migration can be as painless as possible:
  1. Determine your goals.
  2. Build your migration team.
  3. Assess your current situation in terms of resources, applications, and costs.
  4. Make an informed decision about your cloud migration partner(s).
  5. Choose your preferred cloud environment: public, private, hybrid, or community.
  6. Determine the cloud components you need.
  7. Try to automate complex processes upfront to save time and money in the future.
  8. Monitor, audit, and make ongoing improvements after migration.

How Consensus Can Help

Cloud computing offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Successful cloud implementation requires careful planning, a knowledgeable team, and a clear understanding of goals and requirements. Organizations must prioritize cloud security by following best practices, conducting regular audits, and implementing a robust incident response plan.

With the right approach, cloud adoption can provide numerous advantages. As technology evolves, embracing the cloud is not just an option but a necessity for businesses seeking success and growth in the digital age.

Consensus Cloud Solutions can help your organization get the most out of your data. Contact us today!