Post-Acute Facility

Discharge from hospital with instructions sent to Post-Acute Facility using Cloud Fax or Direct Secure Message.

Post-Acute Facility
Post-Acute facility will receive Cloud Fax or Direct Secure Message with discharge instructions. If there is a connected EHR, the data will be parsed and saved into the patient file. If there is no EHR, documents can be managed with a document storage workflow. While receiving post-acute care, documents and queries are done via Consensus Unite and managed in the dashboard.

Discharge from Post Acute Facility with instructions sent to home or Assisted Living using Cloud Fax or Direct Secure Message. Home Health and Durable Medical Equipment will receive Cloud Fax or Direct Secure Message via the Consensus Unite dashboard. Documents can be viewed and managed from the dashboard – and also queried for more patient data.

During ongoing treatment, the care team is getting Cloud Faxes from labs, referrals, Physical Therapy and specialist. Transitions of care are queried for missing information. Data is parsed and put into EHR.